Drive App Synology Mac

Synology Cloud Station is an application for Windows, Mac and iOS that syncs files between your computers and Synology. For Windows, Mac and iOS. Computers and Synology NAS via. To your Synology NAS. UFS Explorer RAID Recovery. You must own a Synology NAS to run this app, and be running the latest Synology Drive 1.0.0 to get the complete set of features. Access all of your Google Drive content directly from your Mac or PC, without using up disk space. Or the negotiated Google Apps terms, if applicable. Cancel Agree and Download.

What can Synology backup & cloud services help me with? Do they have the packages and function that I need? With all the new solutions from Synology, things can be complicated. Major releases like DMS6 is both a welcoming update and can also confuse. In this article, I will explain all the backup and cloud software the NAS diskstation provide us.

Synology Diskstations with DSM 6 has several ways to do backups. At first, it can be a bit confusing, but every Synology backup and sync solution have its purpose and its uses. I have listed all the backup and sync solutions below and how it works.

Hyper Backup – The main Synology backup solution

First is the new backup solution named Hyper Backup. This is the primary backup for the diskstation. You can backup important configuration files, application configuration files and other folders you chose with both compression and client-side encryption if you wish.

The backup destination can be on the same diskstation (the same or on a different volume) or another diskstation.

Backup to another diskstation is, of course, the best solutions and especially if stored at a remote location. This backup can be scheduled and you can also run in rotation with up to 254 versions. To schedule the backup with versions is the preferred solution.

Hyper Backup Vault is an application that let other diskstation’s backup to your diskstation with Hyper Backup.

Snapshot Replication

Snapshot Replication is a backup tool for your diskstation that take snapshots of your chosen folders and replicate it to a remote diskstation on a chosen schedule. You can also take a snapshot replication of the backup diskstation so you have multiple copies. I think this is more for companies to use.

Cloud Station Sharesync

Cloud Station Sharesync is an application that syncs your chosen shared folders with other diskstations. With this method, you have the same content in the shared folders on all the selected diskstation. This is a great application if you have friends with a diskstation and you want to sync the content with them. This can also work as a slave server in case of hard disk failure. If one diskstation have a failure, you can connect with the slave (spare).

Synology cloud station drive app mac

Cloud Station Server

Cloud Station Server is an application that has an overview of the different cloud applications below and their settings. Here you can easily download the software needed to your PC, Mac or smartphone. You see the different clients in the client list and have logs. You can also enable up to 32 versions of the altered files and folders. Cloud Station Server is the mastermind in your cloud.

Cloud Station Backup

Cloud Station Backup is a backup solution for your computer. You can backup almost all of your hard drives and the data will be stored on the diskstation with up to 32 versions. You can transfer the files with SSL encryption but the files will be stored unencrypted in your home folder on the Diskstation.

Cloud Station Drive

Cloud Station Drive is a sync application and works similar to Dropbox except the data will be stored on your Diskstation and not on a remote unknown server. It let you make your own private cloud and will sync data between multiple computers you choose and multiple Diskstations with up to 32 versions of your files like Cloud Station Backup. You also have access to your cloud with DS cloud from smartphones or tablets.

Cloud Sync

Cloud Sync let your diskstation connect and backup to cloud providers like Dropbox and Google Drive. You can connect to the cloud provider and set the behavior of your diskstaion.

If a file is deleted on your diskstation, do you want to delete the file in the cloud or do you want to download the missing file? I have chosen to download since I use it as a backup of important files like photos and documents. I work with Dropbox on my own computer and not on the diskstation so if some files are missing, something is wrong.

You can connect to many public clouds but I connect to the two above only. The one I’m missing and that’s ICloud. I have an Ipad so I miss ICloud support and hope Synology will add it in the future l

Backup to public providers

You also have the ability to backup to Glacier Backup and IDrive Backup to mention some of them. More are added on a regular basis. If you have some computer skills you can also backup to other services that are not directly supported by Synology. It can be some work to install and maintain solutions not supported and is something I don’t want to do.

You can also backup to an external USB drive you have connected to your Diskstation. I have not tested this solution myself since I see some complaints about slow transfer speed. You use Hyper Backup as an application. We have so many other remote and cloud-based solutions that work great. This is nice to have, but not something I want to do.

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What is your experience with Synology Backup and sync applications?

It’s pretty easy to share Synology file links to everyone once the Synology NAS is properly setup. The problem is most everyone set the Synology NAS half way up before giving up or running it on three wheels.

Shared Links via Diskstation Manager

Copy the “shared link” into an email to share with the client or hyperlink some keywords to make the email more clean.

How to Create a Shared Link:

1) Login into the DSM

2) Click File Station

3) Navigate the file path (see above illustration) or navigate the folder path. See illustration below for sharing a folder.

4) Click “action” on the navigation bar followed by the “share” button.

Note: Please be careful on the validity period. The easy way to share is to enable a short term validity period .

Share files via Synology Drive Client

Many people do not like utilizing the DiskStation Manager for sharing files. Setup Synology CloudStation or Synology Drive then. You will need it configured on the DSM and on the Windows or Mac client. Once configured, you can simply open Windows File Explore, select CloudStation folder, the same folder/file, and right click to share.

What are the ways to login into the DiskStation so I can easily share Synology file links?

The traditional drive mapping access to your Synology does not allow for file sharing links to people on the interwebs. You need to use the DiskStation Manager.

  • Learn the traditional way of sharing data from a server

Host Your Own Cloud File Sharing – Synology CloudStation – Diskstation Manager Access – DSM

Login to the DSM:

You can use on the LAN to discover the Synology DiskStation Manager if you don’t know the credentials. Note: There are a variety of ways of accessing the Synology via your web browser. Here are the more common ways.

  • Quickconnect URL
    • Not as secure
  • DDNS –
    • Slight improvement on security
  • Use your domain name –
    • Better security
  • VPN Access
    • Best security but more friction for user accessibility

For Businesses

Best Synology Apps

Active Directory Login:

Synology Drive Mac Os

User Name:

Workgroup Login:

User Name: AdminLoginUserNamepassword


Please do not use the admin login unless absolutely necessary. Admin logins always create the opportunity for disaster. Limited or standard access does not have the destructive capability as the admin login does.

Issues with this Setup

Drive App Synology Mac

You or your organization is the host of this setup. This requires some firewall hole poking to work. This also means you will need a certificate from like GoDaddy to avoid scary messages like what is displayed below or simply tell your client to skip the message and proceed to the Synology DiskStation Manager login page.

Click “more information” and go to the web page. This page is for Internet Explore. Firefox, Edge, and Chrome all have their own versions of scary messages.

Share Synology file links Summary

Place in the time and effort to get Synology running properly and the process for sharing links is pretty effortless.