Folder Diff App Mac

Meld for OSX

Compare Folders is a powerful utility designed to compare two folders and tell you which files and folders are the same, which are new, and which have been. Uninstall apps from your Mac. Mail is likely the default email app on your Mac, but just in case you have others downloaded, you can set the default reader. Here's how: Launch Mail from your dock or the Finder. Click Mail in the menu bar at the top of the screen. Click Preferences. Click the dropdown next to Default Mail Reader. Click the app you'd like to set as the default. Mac users quickly come to know the /Applications/ directory, where you will find all of the default applications that come with OS X (Safari, Mail, iChat, Preview, iCal and so on), as well as the.

This is a fork of Meld packaged and bundled for OSX. The original website for Meld is here Minor work has been done to also integrate OSX menu and shortcuts, but the app is truly the original, excellent Meld.

Download OSX dmg file

You may download any of the following versions. The 3.21.0 (r2) is the latest and the recommended version at this point.

  • Version 3.21.0 (r2) Latest (Catalina & Mojave)
  • Version 3.19.2 (r5) (Mojave & High Sierra)
  • Version 3.19.2 (r3) (Mojave & High Sierra)
  • Version 3.19.0 (r1) (Previous stable version - High Sierra)
  • Version 3.16.0 (r1) (Not for High Sierra)
  • Version 3.15.4 (r2) (Not for High Sierra)
  • Version 3.15.2 (r2) (Not for High Sierra)
  • Version 3.13.4 (Not for High Sierra)
  • Version 1.8 (Not for High Sierra)

Tip: A lot of people are asking how to use this package as a git difftool/mergetool.Once installed, edit your ~/.gitconfig and add the following lines

Tip:Meld OSX also understands/checks for the following environment variables.

The theme change can be done by changing the variable in the wrapper script

find the part that says

and change it to

and you'll have a fully dark meld..

Why Meld for Mac/OSX and not Macports/Homebrew

Top reasons behind using this fork over Macports or Homebrew builds:

  • Retina support (check the screenshot!)
  • Latest 3.x series
  • No hassle install (drag/drop like any other app)
  • Integrates with OSX menu
  • Supports standard OSX shortcuts (cmd-c/cmd-v instead of ctrl) (Merged to upstream)
  • Note: Homebrew now installs Meld for OSX


Special Thanks

  • To Kai Willadsen for creating Meld.
  • To the Gnome project
  • To Alex Kras whose web page (How To Run Meld on Mac OS X Yosemite Without Homebrew, MacPorts, or Think) served as my reference for tracking Meld for OSX usage and issues when I had absolutely no time to maintain this.


  • Get rid of the Meld wrapper shell script (this should get rid of all the wrappers needed to run Meld from the terminal)
  • Support Meld localizations (currently only English works)

Suggestions / Issues

If you have a suggestion or you are facing an issue running this Meld fork, please open an issue here Please note that your issue has to be specific to the OSX fork and not to Meld itself. I have no plans/time to work on Meld itself.

Contribute to Meld for OSX

  1. Head to
  2. Fork the repository and clone your fork locally.
  3. Follow the build instructions in to generate your own dmg.
  4. Do your magic, commit and push to your fork.
  5. Create a pull request.

Not Accepting Donations

I'm not currently accepting donations for the development of this fork. I just missed a proper implementation of Meld on Mac so I thought of creating this fork. If you want to donate, please donate to the original Meld project.

The following is copied from the original Meld page Please visit the original project website for more info. For the full help manual, please visit

What is Meld?


Meld is a visual diff and merge tool targeted at developers. Meld helps you compare files, directories, and version controlled projects. It provides two- and three-way comparison of both files and directories, and has support for many popular version control systems.

Meld helps you review code changes and understand patches. It might even help you to figure out what is going on in that merge you keep avoiding.


  • Two- and three-way comparison of files and directories
  • File comparisons update as you type
  • Auto-merge mode and actions on change blocks help make merges easier
  • Visualisations make it easier to compare your files
  • Supports Git, Bazaar, Mercurial, Subversion, etc.
  • …and more

Meld is licensed under the GPL v2, except as noted

In depth features

File comparison

  • Edit files in-place, and your comparison updates on-the-fly
  • Perform two- and three-way diffs and merges
  • Easily navigate between differences and conflicts
  • Visualise global and local differences with insertions, changes and conflicts marked
  • Use the built-in regex text filtering to ignore uninteresting differences
  • Syntax highlighting

Directory comparison

  • Compare two or three directories file-by-file, showing new, missing, and altered files
  • Directly open file comparisons of any conflicting or differing files
  • Filter out files or directories to avoid seeing spurious differences
  • Simple file management is also available

Version control

  • Meld supports many version control systems, including Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and SVN
  • Launch file comparisons to check what changes were made, before you commit
  • View file versioning statuses
  • Simple version control actions are also available (i.e., commit/update/add/remove/delete files)

Merge mode (in development)

  • Automatically merge two files using a common ancestor
  • Mark and display the base version of all conflicting changes in the middle pane
  • Visualise and merge independent modifications of the same file
  • Lock down read-only merge bases to avoid mistakes
  • Command line interface for easy integration with existing tools, including git mergetool

The Finder is the first thing that you see when your Mac finishes starting up. It opens automatically and stays open as you use other apps. It includes the Finder menu bar at the top of the screen and the desktop below that. It uses windows and icons to show you the contents of your Mac, iCloud Drive, and other storage devices. It's called the Finder because it helps you to find and organize your files.

Change how your files are displayed

To change how files are displayed in Finder windows, use the View menu in the menu bar, or the row of buttons at the top of the Finder window. You can view files as icons , in a list , in columns , or in a gallery . And for each view, the View menu provides options to change how items are sorted and arranged, such as by kind, date, or size. Learn more about customizing views.

Gallery View, showing the sidebar on the left and the Preview pane on the right.

When you view files in a gallery, you can browse your files visually using large previews, so it's easy to identify images, videos, and all kinds of documents. Gallery View even lets you play videos and scroll through multipage documents. Earlier versions of macOS have a similar but less powerful gallery view called Cover Flow .

The sidebar in Finder windows contains shortcuts to AirDrop, commonly used folders, iCloud Drive, devices such your hard drives, and more. Like items in the Dock, items in the sidebar open with just one click.

To change the items in your sidebar, choose Finder > Preferences from the Finder menu bar, then click Sidebar at the top of the preferences window. You can also drag files into or out of the sidebar. Learn more about customizing the sidebar.

Search for files

To search with Spotlight, click the magnifying glass in the menu bar, or press Command–Space bar. Spotlight is similar to Quick Search on iPhone or iPad. Learn more about Spotlight.

Find Folders On Mac

To search from a Finder window, use the search field in the corner of the window:

When you select a search result, its location appears at the bottom of the window. To get to this view from Spotlight, choose “Search in Finder” or “Show all in Finder” from the bottom of the Spotlight search results.

In both Spotlight and Finder, you can use advanced searches to narrow your search results. You can also use tags to organize and find files.

Folder Diff App Mac Ios

Delete files

To move a file to the Trash, drag the file to the Trash in the Dock. Or select one or more files and choose File > Move To Trash (Command-Delete).

To remove a file from the Trash, click the Trash to open it, then drag the file out of the Trash. Or select the file and choose File > Put Back.

Folder Diff App Mac Pro

To delete the files in the Trash, choose File > Empty Trash. The storage space used by those files then becomes available for other files. In macOS Sierra, you can set up your Mac to empty the trash automatically.