Always Run Mac App As Root

Are you sure your log in account is an Admin account? Check that in Users & Groups preferences.


Whenever you launch a new application on your Mac, Gatekeeper checks to see that it’s signed with a valid signature. If the application is signed with a valid signature, it’s allowed to run. If it’s not, you’ll see a warning message and your Mac will prevent the application from running. But not every Mac app is signed. You can do this from an installer running as root (the installer command requires administrative privileges; see the installer manual page). However, if you have the application configure itself, or check whether configuration is needed when it starts up, then you don’t need to run as root at all. Hopefully a simple one. I need to run an MMC console as a different username each time. I know I can shirt/right-click and run-as user and this works fine but I can't find anywhere in the shortcut to set the credentials so it always opens under the different user ID.

What are the associated permissions for the program's file in your Applications folder and what permissions are associated with Applications folder itself? They should be, respectively:

Always Run Mac App As Root Touch Up

  1. System r/w; Wheel r/only; Everyone r/only
  2. System r/w; Admin r/w; Everyone r/only

Always Run Mac App As Root App

Check these and, if needed, change them by selecting the file or folder. Press COMMAND-I to open the Get Info window. The Sharing & Permissions panel is at the bottom. To make a change you first need to click on the little lock icon and authenticate with your admin password.

Always Run Mac App As Root Key

Jun 21, 2014 1:02 PM