Best Pomodoro App Mac 2018

25 of our favorite Mac apps (2018 Edition). It’s similar to the Pomodoro System, where you work at full focus for short bursts, often 20 minutes, but then take a 5 minute break after these.

  • Choose the Best Pomodoro App to Suit Your Needs. The best pomodoro timer apps available in the market do the needful; i.e. Count down till the time till the next pomodoro. However, it is often not enough as you need to monitor your progress or keep a track of the work done by the end of the day. To accommodate this, there are some best free.
  • A simple and customizable pomodoro timer for the web Pomofocus is a customizable pomodoro timer app that works on desktop & mobile browser. The aim of this app is to help you focus on any task you are working on, such as study, writing, or coding.

Need to quickly start a countdown timer on your Mac?

Maybe you’re looking for the best free Pomodoro timer, a great minimalistcountdown clock, or a productivity time tracker.

Whenever I’m working, I’ve got a timer running. It’s my #1 tip for stayingfocused and getting a lot done in a short amount of time.

This is my round up of the best four free timer apps for your Mac.

1. Horo

Link: Horo

Obvious disclaimer – I built Horo. Why did I build it? I believe that if starting a timer takes you more than a second, your timer app sucks.

Horo is a simple, easy app that lets you type what time you want (“1m 30s”, “1.5h”), hit Return, and then your timer starts.

It’s neat, it’s free, and it shows the timer in the menu bar so you can glance back at it easily.

2. Be Focused

Link: Be Focused

Be Focused is a great, full-featured Pomodoro-style timer. To changethe time interval of an individual timer, you have to change the presetsin the app’s preferences.

This can be a bit annoying, but the benefit is that the app has awesome tracking of the number of times you’ve completed a timer. This, and the built-in break tracking, makes Be Focused a great work timer.

(Unfortunately, the free version has ads. But they’re not intrusive.)

3. Activity Timer

Link: Activity Timer

Activity Timer’s a great little app because you can save a range of custom preset timers.

If you find yourself using the same four or five time intervals over and over again,this is the app for you.

The app is simple, free, and works like you’d expect.

4. Howler Timer

Link: Howler Timer

Howler Timer is a great option if you want the timer to pop out into a new window.

Best Pomodoro App Ios

The UI’s looking a little old, but the app itself works great. The Pro version ($2.99)gives you more formatting options for the timer in the menu bar, and you can set presets.

The other great feature of the Pro version is that you can loop your timers, which is pretty handy.

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The Pomodoro Technique breaks down your tasks into shorter, focused sessions with regular breaks. It’s one of the simplest and easiest to implement productivity hacks around.

The struggle to stay productive as a freelancer, digital nomad, or employee is a never-ending battle for all of us. There are times that it’s so hard to get things done. Sometimes, we feel that our brain just won’t function anymore.

According to Neuroscientist Dr. Gabija Toleikyte, this feeling is normal. Constantly shifting from one activity to another affects the brain’s ability to focus. And this has an adverse effect on our productivity.

Several techniques have been developed to help us stay productive at work. One of the most popular ones is the Pomodoro Technique®.

Pomodoro App For Mac

What is the Pomodoro Technique®

The Pomodoro Technique® was developed by Italian Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. “Pomodoro” is the Italian word for tomato. Why the strange name? Francesco named the technique after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer he used as his personal timer. Cool huh?

This time management practice helps users achieve maximum focus, allowing them to finish a task or complete a project with lesser mental fatigue compared to working for hours straight. The Pomodoro Technique® divides a task into short 25-minute increments. After each increment, you take a 5-minute break. Then, after four increments or Pomodoros, you take a longer break — usually 20-30 minutes.

As you may have now noticed, this technique is built around short bursts of work and regular breaks to keep your mind focused and fresh.

How the Pomodoro Technique® Works

The Pomodoro Technique® is one of the simplest time management and productivity methods available. All you need is a timer! And thanks to technology, there are now Pomodoro apps that you can use (more on this later). The core of this technique involves only 5 simple steps:

Step 1. Check your schedule for the day

The first step is to know what your tasks are for the day. In terms of Pomodoros (25-minute sessions), estimate how much time you need to complete a certain task. List down your tasks and make sure they fit comfortably with your workday.

Free Pomodoro App

Don’t forget to factor in the 5-minute break after each Pomodoro and the longer 20- to 30-minute breaks after 4 sessions!

Step 2. Set your timer

Before starting your timer, make sure you have everything you need to complete your task. Feel free to use a traditional timer or one of the apps you’ll see in this article. Make sure you are committed to the task at hand. Remember, you only have 25 minutes to focus on it!


It’s best to turn off your phone, email, social media, and even shut your office door to minimize distractions. If you are working with colleagues, tell them that you don’t want to be disturbed.

Step 3. Work on the task at hand

Never multitask. Focus all your attention on the task at hand for the entire 25 minutes. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by anything — even those out-of-the-blue lightbulb moments in your head. If they do pop up, write these thoughts down and set aside for later.

I completed my work before the time is up. What should I do?

If this is the case, use the remaining time for short tasks or routine activities. It’s a good idea to keep tabs on how many 25-minute sessions it takes you to complete a task. You can use this information for future planning or when comparing your productivity levels.

Step 4. Always take a short break

Even if you are in the zone, take a 5-minute break as soon as your timer goes off. Breaks are the perfect time to rest and recharge your batteries!

You might think that taking a break while in the flow is counterproductive. It isn’t. Regular breaks restore your energy and will greatly improve your productivity. Energy is more important than time.

When taking a break, walk away from your desk. Fetch a glass of water, take a short walk or exercise. Also, give your brain a break too! Avoid anything that requires too much thought such as your current project or the deadlines you need to beat.

Best Pomodoro App

It’s also helpful to stay away from electronic displays during your break. Resist the urge to check on your emails or social media. This will keep you from straining your eyes.

Step 5. Continue your work and take a longer break after 4 Pomodoros

When your break is up, go back to your desk, reset your timer and continue working on the task at hand. After completing 4 sessions, take a longer break. Feel free to do anything as long as it takes you away from your desk. Go eat lunch, have a snack, read a book — anything! Again, avoid thinking about what you were doing before and stay away from your phone.

Now that you know what the Pomodoro Technique® is all about and how to use it, it’s time to look at the top 5 Pomodoro apps that can easily beat your handy kitchen timer!

1. Focus Booster, Free and Premium

Best Pomodoro App Mac 2018

The Focus Booster is a web and desktop based app that offers a simple Pomodoro timer and the ability to track the time you spent on each project. The free plan includes a desktop app which features a minimalist view that floats on top of all your windows without distracting you.

The free version is limited to 20 Pomodoro sessions every month and does not include any reporting tools. The premium version comes in two packages: (1) 200 sessions and data export (2) unlimited sessions plus reporting and revenue tracking.

2. PomoDone, Free and Premium

The best thing about this Pomodoro app is the ability to integrate it with popular work/project/productivity management software (Basecamp, Todoist, Asana, Wunderlist, and Trello). Like most Pomodoro timers, you can easily customize the default 25-minutes/5-minute sessions to your needs.

PomoDone offers a minimalist desktop app and powerful reporting features that let you share data with others. The app’s basic functions plus 2 integrations are free. Premium versions include the ability to integrate to an unlimited number of tools plus reporting features.

3. Pomodoro Keeper, iOS, Free and Premium

The Pomodoro Keeper is designed for iOS. It sports a very clean and sleek user interface. It’s very handy! And since it fits in your pocket, you have the ability to track your Pomodoro goals without the need to sit in front of a computer. The app automatically transitions from work to break timers after each session.

The basic features of the app are free. If you want to unlock various options like custom timers, you will need the pro version.

4. ClearFocus, Android, Free, and Premium

ClearFocus is a minimalist Pomodoro app for Android. It features a clean user interface and lovely design. It also packs various reporting tools and lets you track your progress as time goes by. Users love how the colors turn red when the timer is running and green when it’s break time! Basic functions are free. If you want the ability to pause the timer, you’ll need a premium license.

5. Pomodairo, 100% Free

Pomodairo is an Adobe Air application that works on any platform — Windows, Mac, or Linux. This AIR-based app works as a simple timer that can track your tasks, unplanned work, and interruptions.

The Good and the Bad of the Pomodoro Technique®

The Pomodoro Technique® offers several benefits. By breaking down tasks into shorter, focused sessions, you make daunting projects seem more manageable and less overwhelming. Also, the limited time you have to work encourages you to stay away from distractions, multitasking, and procrastination.

Regular, short breaks are good for your health. Aside from improving productivity and concentration, it also gives your brain the chance to assimilate information and “learn.” In addition, you experience less mental fatigue.

While the benefits are obvious, the Pomodoro Technique® is not for everyone. Some of you may find short breaks counterproductive, especially when you are in the zone. Developers may find that a 50-minute pomodoro and a 10-minute break is better suited to their work style.

Best Pomodoro App Mac 2018 Download

The technique also requires a lot of effort to stick to a disciplined workday making it less ideal for those working in a fast paced environment.

Best Pomodoro Timer Mac


Best Mac Pomodoro App

The Pomodoro Technique® is very simple and easy to follow. All it needs is a handy timer or app and discipline! While it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, go and give it a try!

Best Pomodoro App Mac

Norberts Erts is the co-founder of HR software company CakeHR, that streamlines attendance and performance management for customers worldwide. He keeps a sharp eye on HR, marketing, business, finance, science, technology and the connections between them. Connect with Norberts on Twitter and LinkedIn.