Wifi Spoof App Mac

  1. Spoof Mac Id
  2. Xfinity Wifi Mac Address Spoof
  3. Wifi Spoof App Mac Free
  4. Spoof App Free Call
  5. Wifi Spoof App Mac Ios

For some Apple Mac users a “mac address” may sound like a reference to the current location of your computer. In this case, however, MAC refers not to your computer but to the unique Media Access Controlcode assigned to every device capable of connecting to a network. The Wi-Fi chip in your Apple computer, iPad, iPod, iPhone, Kindle, Android phone, Windows computer, etc., has a hardware level identifier. This enables networks and other network capable devices (such as your wi-fi router) to differentiate one device from another. a MAC address takes the following format: 01-23-45-67-89-ab

Step 1: Finding the Device That You Want to Spoof. The first step in spoofing your MAC address is to find the network interface device that you want to spoof. Go to StartControl PanelNetwork Connection. Then double click on the device that you want to spoof. Then click on the support tab and then click on details.

Why change your MAC address?

There are situations where it is useful to temporarily change your device’s MAC address. It can only be changed temporarily as it’s hardware encoded. So it will revert back when you reboot your device. Changing your MAC address is commonly called spoofingthe MAC address. For instance, now I am in London Heathrow airport. They provide free wi-fi access, and yet in their wisdom Heathrow decided to only allow a device to connect for 45 minutes. I have a 4 hour wait for my next flight. I’ve not yet reached the end of the 45 minutes, but there’s a chance the network will lock my MacBook out once the 45 minutes is over. Quite why they have a time limit is a mystery to me. Every person here in the departure area is obviously destined to get on a plane and leave. It’s not as though people can come in here and make use of the Internet without being a passenger. Because the network depends on my MacBook’s MAC address to identify it, changing the MAC address gives me a fresh start. As far as the network is concerned my new MAC address represents a different device from the one that just used up 45 minutes of air time. Some coffee shops are also implementing time limits. I can understand their logic for doing so. It prevents someone from buying one cup of coffee and then spending the rest of the day using the cafe as their office. My local library (in New Zealand) also enforces a time limit. That, again, does not make sense to me. The library is a public service, and providing Internet access is part of the services they offer. People don’t get kicked out after reading books in the library for 2 hours. Why are they booted from the Internet? There are plenty of other situations where changing a MAC address may come in handy.

How to change your MAC address

You can change the MAC address in the Terminal (I am referring to Terminal.app as opposed to an Airport Terminal). There are plenty of articles online explaining how to go about that method. But it is much easier to use an app fit for the purpose. Not only will these apps change your MAC address, they will also generate a new random MAC address. The two apps I have used and recommend are:


This is the big daddy of MAC address spoofing apps. It will let you spoof the manufacturer/brand of device too, or ensure the brand remains consistent. For instance, you can generate a MAC address that is a valid Apple device MAC address as opposed to any random device brand. A very comprehensive list of device manufacturers is included in MacDaddyX. Whether or not that feature is useful to you will depend on your purpose for spoofing the MAC address.

This app appears to have been abandoned by the developer. It still works on my OS X 10.8.4 MacBook. You can download it from MacUpdate. For a smoother app, check out the next option.

Spoof Mac Id


WifiSpoof is a more recent app. You can’t select the manufacturer of your spoofed MAC address, but for most people that’s not important. It looks like this:

For most people I would recommend using WifiSpoof. It works well and sits nicely in the menu bar.


Keep in mind some networks might also use cookies to keep track of whether you’ve used up your time limit. If changing your MAC address does not allow you to resume Internet access, look for cookies from the domain utilised by the service you are signing up on. You’ll need to do that in the browser you use for signing up to the Wi-Fi service in question. For instance, here at Heathrow the domain is wifiservice.net. There was one cookie from that domain stored in my browser. I don’t know if I needed to remove it, but I did anyway.

Case in point

Whilst writing this article, I went to use the toilet and speak to an Airline rep. On my return I was faced with the following message: Dear Jonathan, your FREE time has now expired and will be available to you again in 11 hours 36 minutes.

Their measly 45 minutes is up. I have 3 hours to wait for my flight. If I had no idea about changing my MAC address it’s about now I could be feeling rather annoyed. Time to change my MAC address.

Xfinity Wifi Mac Address Spoof

Media Access Control aka MAC address exists in every network-enabled devices. It is a physical address assigned to every hardware which deals with network connections.

In detail, the MAC address gives a unique identifier for every hardware that’s connected to a network. You can identify the device connected to the network from checking the MAC address.

In routers, you can see the connected devices to a specific network by checking the MAC address in the list.

Some people want to change the MAC address for their reasons. Few popular reasons are, to hide the identity of a device, or to fool a network to regain its access to connect to the Internet.

MAC address spoofing is popular among colleges and educational institutions. The Universities and colleges block specific MAC addresses to stop accessing the Internet from the network. People use to change the MAC address to regain the connection.

In this article, we will know how to spoof a MAC address on Windows, Mac and Linux systems.

How to spoof a MAC address in Windows?

In Windows, you have an easy option to set a custom MAC address from the Device Manager. Follow the below steps to spoof MAC address on Windows.

Wifi Spoof App Mac Free

  1. Open Device Manager.
  2. Select Network adapters to expand the options.
  3. Right-click your network adapter, then select Properties.
  4. Select the Advanced tab.
  5. Here, select Network Address or Locally Administered Address in the list of properties.
  6. Now, enter your desired MAC address in the Value box, then select OK.

To verify the MAC address change, follow the step on Windows.

Spoof App Free Call

Open the command prompt and enter ipconfig /all to verify that your new MAC address has been set.

How to spoof a MAC address in macOS?

Changing the MAC address on macOS is an easy process and requires Terminal to perform the action. However, it is not a permanent change of MAC address on macOS. You will need to do these steps again every time you restart your computer.

  1. Open Terminal from the Applications folder.
  2. Type sudo ifconfig en0 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx and press Enter.
  3. Type ifconfig and press Enter to verify that your new MAC address has been set.
Note: Replace en0 with the name of your network interface, and xx:xx:xx:xx:xx: xx with your desired MAC address.

How to spoof MAC address in Linux?

Changing of MAC address on Linux is purely depends on the distribution you are using. The terminal needs action to change the MAC address on a Linux computer. The steps are as follows.

Wifi Spoof App Mac Ios

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Type sudo ifconfig eth0 down, and then press Enter to take your network interface down.
  3. Type sudo ifconfig eth0 hw ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx and press Enter to change your MAC address.
  4. Type sudo ifconfig eth0 up and press Enter to bring your network back up.
  5. To check the changes, type ifconfig and press Enter to verify that your new MAC address has been set.

That’s it. Now you will have the desired MAC address on you Windows, Mac, or Linux computer. Let us know your feedback in the comment section below.

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